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It was a summer morning. The bright sun was bringing warmth to me and to my paddy field. I was carrying a spade and a sickle and was cleaning the bonds of my paddy field to prepare the field for sowing rice. Two cows and a pair of bullocks were grazing across the field nearby me. There were other neighbor friends working in their own fields. We were sharing our joys and sorrows of day events. Our talks were about how much grass is there in the pasture field, how many days are left for the sowing of paddy seedlings, who will be going to the market on Saturday and when will our school reopen for the study.

Suddenly I heard the sound of a small vehicle. I tried to locate the direction of the sound. It was the sound of the vehicle of a team of officers. They were gathered before the camp’s office for taking census and photos of the eight o’clock. I was having headache and fever since the day before. My presence in my mind to think for the future; when to return? When to see the home again? When to cultivate the land and make the dream a real one?
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